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Using proprietary technology proven for over 20 years.

bruxisme nocturne
grincement des dents la nuit

Finally sleep peacefully.

You already wear a bite guard: discomfort, hypersalivation, replacement cost…

Bruxless will prevent you from bruxing at night to bring you satisfaction and comfort.

What is bruxism?

Do your teeth grind or clench compulsively and uncontrollably at night?

The consequences and discomfort of this phenomenon can be numerous and more or less serious.

Migraines Maux de tête

When you wake up you suffer from migraines, your jaws are numb

Dents usées casssées
Tooth wear

Your teeth are damaged prematurely. Filed, cracked, broken teeth…

Douleurs cervicales trapèzes
Cervical pain

When you wake up, your neck is stiff and pain radiates to your trapezius muscles.

Bruxless does not relieve you of bruxism, it cures you.

You will no longer need to wear a bite guard when you sleep, Bruxless is here to change your nights: no more discomfort, hypersalivation, replacement cost…

Bruxless will naturally prevent you from bruxing at night to bring you satisfaction and comfort.

Also no more botox injections or taking relaxing drugs that can create an addiction and lose effectiveness over time.

Bruxless is completely non-invasive and will retrain your brain without you having to do anything.

One of the other applications of Bruxless is aesthetic.

Having a face that is too wide, a jaw that is too square or too rectangular is often due to hypertrophy of the masseter muscles.

These facial shapes may look unsightly to some people looking to reshape their lower face.

Bruxless makes it possible to refine your face in a V-shape thanks to a significant reduction in the volume of your masseter muscles.

Douleurs aux mâchoires
They tested Bruxless
We have the solution.

Your bruxism is now nothing more than a bad dream.